

From the moment I got off the plane at Rome FCO, I started to smile. I’d made the right decision for my birthday celebration weekend.


First of all, it’s actually summer in Rome. I welcomed the blazing sun, the oppressive heat and the clear, blue sky were all gifts to me. Equipped with a few tank tops, a bathing suit and flip flops, I was craving summer (a far cry from the chilly, unpredictable summer in the Baltics and Frankfurt).


I find that when I’m clear about my expectations and needs ahead of a trip, I’m less likely to be disappointed. The Baltics trip was about experiencing a new culture, learning history of an unfamiliar area and taking a mental break from work.

My goal for this weekend was to celebrate me and do whatever I wanted (in reality, that’s my goal every weekend). That meant not killing myself to see the sights or stress about working out. It meant having no schedule.


I came with a list of restaurants, piazzas and bars from my Italian neighbors (and I stayed true to the list).


I booked an absolutely jealousy-inducing apartment in the neighborhood of Monti with a terrace three times the size of the actual apartment (and yes, I tried out every chair on that terrace).



My neighbors also put me in touch with some of their friends, so I could hang out with locals.

I planned on really doing me. And doing Rome like a local.

After a quick visit to the Gap, then my local status began.


I had apertivos, took the Metro across town to the best pizza and gelato places, sipped Chianti on my terrace right before my afternoon nap.

IMG_4406 (my date on Saturday night)

I played Marlon Roudette while my curtains blew in the breeze and I slept with all the doors open.


I napped in my bathing suit (one of my favorite things to do), met up with new friends at the Piazza della Madonna dei Monti and hung out at the locals bar around the corner. I observed all the tourists, maps unfolded, en route to some destination, not realizing the present moment is the destination. Not stopping to take it all in.

I took it all in.

I usually wear headphones in Germany, but all weekend I walked around without them–absorbing as much of the beautiful language as I could possibly be filled with in 3 days.


And I realized my life is so blessed. My cup of blessings truly runs over.


You see, I realize that right now I am having experiences and making memories that new age self help books and romantic comedies are made of. I am so aware that right now is a time in my life I will look back on with fondness. And that what I am doing right now–what I am in the midst of–is life-shaping. I am filled with presence and I head into my 35th year with all the love of life that una regazza could have.

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